Americans, indeed, often seem to be so overwhelmed by their children that they'll do anything for them except stay married to the co-producer.

As much as I converse with sages and heroes, they have very little of my love and admiration. I long for rural and domestic scene, for the warbling of birds and the prattling of my children

Before I got married, I had six theories about bringing up children. Now I have six children and no theories.

Before you beat a child, be sure yourself are not the cause of the offense.

Behold the child, by nature's kindly law, pleased with a rattle, tickled with a straw.

Better a snotty child than his nose wiped off.

Better to be driven out from among men than to be disliked of children.

Birds in their little nest agree; and 'Tis a shameful sight, when children of one family fall out, and chide, and fight.

But the child's sob curses deeper in the silence than the strong man in his wrath!

Childhood is the sleep of reason.

Childhood sometimes does pay a second visit to man; youth never.

Children also have artistic ability, and there is wisdom in there having it! The more helpless they are, the more instructive are the examples they furnish us; and they must be preserved free of corruption from an early age.

Children always turn to the light.

Children and drunks always speak the truth.

Children are a great comfort to us in our old age, and they help us reach it faster too.

Children are apt to live up to what you believe of them.

Children are completely egoistic; they feel their needs intensely and strive ruthlessly to satisfy them.

Children are curious and are risk takers. They have lots of courage. They venture out into a world that is immense and dangerous. A child initially trusts life and the processes of life.

Children are excellent observers, and will often perceive your slightest defects. In general, those who govern children, forgive nothing in them, but everything in themselves.

Children are given to us to discourage our better emotions.

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